January 26, 2009

Happy Chinese New Year

It's the year of the Ox. In case your wondering about what that means for the children born this year, here's a clip from what Wikepedia had to say:

The Ox is the sign of prosperity through fortitude and hard work. This powerful sign is a born leader, being quite dependable and possessing an innate ability to achieve great things. As one might guess, such people are dependable, calm, and modest. Like their animal namesake, the Ox is unswervingly patient, tireless in their work, and capable of enduring any amount of hardship without complaint.

I have a fond place in my heart for Chinese New Year because as a child my best friend was Chinese and I celebrated with her family almost ever year. As children we got red envelopes (filled with cash) called Lacee, almond cookies and a lots of great food. This year when the rest of the world celebrated New Year I was too tired to come up with a resolution, I wasn't even awake for my new year's kiss. So I am having a Chinese New year do over. I am resolving to work on strengthening my home and family by living the gospel of Jesus Christ. That means more scriptures, prayer and patience. So for anyone who forgot or already broke their resolution it is time for a Chinese New Year do over. Since we are expecting in a couple of months, I guess I will have a Ox baby... heaven help us if she is more stubborn than the Ray children that preceded her.

January 12, 2009

Kids are so funny!

Yesterday we were at church and we were there early enough to hear the prelude music. Odelia thought the tune was familiar so she started to sing, "Some day my prince will come". It wasn't to quiet either. Then she had to pee so I took her to the bathroom and when we got back she proudly exclaimed, " I went potty". She's not a loud kid, but when she has something she wants, whispering is not her forte. Harrington gave a talk in Senior primary and did really good. I wrote all the words on the back of the pictures and he knew all but the really big words like, translation. He's doing so good at reading, lately he's really gotten in to reading the scriptures. It's been so fun to watch him grow and learn. The only bad thing is that we can't spell in front of him anymore.
On a different note my mom and I went to Savers on Friday and I got a new couch, baby bumper and a munch of clothes. I had no idea that Savers had such good stuff, usually I just go to DI. I think I have been converted. For those of you who sat on my old couch you will appreciate being able to sit in this new couch without sinking a foot. My last couch cost $20, this couch cost $60 so hopefully it last longer.... we shall see.

January 1, 2009

Christmas Morning

We had a great Christmas this year. Zeb and I enjoyed making a few things for the kids. Like Harrington's green Lego station and Odelia's Doll bed. Mostly we enjoyed watching them open presents. They were greatful, they didn't complain and they enjoyed watching each other open presents almost as much as they liked getting them. Here a few photos of the morning.
All Set up by Santa before the unleashing of the children...

Harrington opening his present from his sister. Who knew the Dollar Stuff had such great stuff.

Zeb's new apron that will get as much use from him as his comb. He cooks very little, however it will be a nice addition to my collection. :)
My Cute new apron made by Zeb's mom. My not so cute early morning face.

Cute Sunday bag, the kids each got one made by Grandma Doreen.

Harrington's Legos all set up, before he tore them apart to construct his own creation.

Christmas Eve

Our Beautiful pies with cute cut out crust!

This year we had the blessing of having Zeb's Mom and some of his siblings here for Christmas. On Christmas Eve we had traditional Tamales, rice, beans, doughnuts and Pumpkin Pie. I love to make food from scratch and because my mother in law was here, we did. The house was humid and warm all day due to the tamales steaming and the pumpkin cooking. For those of you who know how cold it is in Utah, that was a welcome change. But it was so worth it. I was to tired and busy to take pictures of our beautiful Tamales and doughnuts. But I did take a picture of the beautiful pies. On Christmas eve we also had Zeb's Uncle Waldo, Aunt Becky and 7 extra cousins for dinner, add that to the 9 people staying at the house and we were full to the brim. But what a great way to celebrate Christmas. Here are some pictures I did manage to shoot off....

Odelia Not listening to the story, instead she is pretending to be a cat.

Kaity, Reta & Harrington Listening to the Christmas story.

Aaron listening well

Zeb Reading, doing a quick non-monotone job.

Cookies made for Santa

And then it was off to bed with the children.... they waited for Santa to come.